Share Your Story

We are dedicated to preserving the stories of the Nakba incident of 1948. We invite all individuals and families who have personal stories and experiences related to the Nakba to share them with us. The Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to the forced displacement of over 700,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.


We believe that it is important to document these stories and to ensure that they are not lost to history. We invite you to share your family’s oral history, photos, documents, and any other materials that can help us better understand the human impact of this event.

If you or someone you know has a story to tell about the Nakba, we encourage you to come forward and record it. We offer resources and support to help individuals and families record and preserve their stories in a way that is respectful and accurate.

Together, we can ensure that the stories of the Nakba are never forgotten and that future generations have a deeper understanding of this important historical event. Thank you for considering sharing your story with us.

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The opportunity to have a significant discussion about your experiences or that of a family member during the Nakba is presented through a MyNakba interview, lasting for 40 minutes without interruption. By creating a list of questions, the conversation can be directed to ensure the preservation of important memories.

In-person or remote recording options are available, with a MyNakba Facilitator provided to aid in the interview process. If an individual is conducting the interview independently, the Facilitator will take on the role. Proper preparation can ensure a successful MyNakba interview, serving as a valuable tool in the documentation of loved ones’ memories and experiences.